Monday, May 12, 2008


(one day late)

I unfortunately I did not actually get to see my mom yesterday, but I did talk to her on the phone.

Holidays always make me miss living close to my family.

So we had a very very busy weekend, friday evening we got a call from Rich's grandma that his Aunt, Uncle, Cousin & her husband and girls were going to be in town on saturday, visiting from Texas. Saturday, about 3:30 Rich called to inform me that we were meeting the Dorsett's for lunch on Sunday at 12:00 at the park in Augusta. So, before we could go out to grandma's house I made the second trip to the grocery to get stuff to take for dessert on sunday, then we went to grandma's house for a few hours to visit with Rich's family. Sunday I got up and made breakfast, baked a gluten free cake for Kris (she is allergic) and started getting things together to go, and Rich asks me if we have paper plates and silverware! Of course we don't... he told me that we were bringing dessert & drinks. So I make my 3rd trip to the grocery store in two days. When I get home I toss the peach crisp in the oven, it is about 11:15 now and Rich asks me how long it takes to bake. I tell him about 45 minutes and he about has a cow. Then he tells me that we have to be at the park at 11:30! I calmly inform him that he told me on saturday that we would be meeting everyone at the park at 12:00, this is where he interjects and lets me know that WE are supposed to get there early to save a spot. I again inform him (after taking a rawther large breath and letting it out slowly) that if he needs to be there early to save the spot & since he neglected to tell me that until 15 minutes before hand, that he could go and save the spot and that I would be happy to meet him there at 12:00. And then the strangest thing happened. He loaded everything into the truck, came back into the house and sat down. Didn't say a word. And at 12:00 we all drove to the park together, had a lovely afternoon watching the boys play football and soccer. The end.

I do wish I would have had a little more down time for mothers day, but the most important thing is that I got to spend time with family. I hope that you all got to relax and enjoy your weekend!!

1 comment:

Michielle said...


Hey, I have to tell you that I see alot of your Dad in Chase!!! Yep!!!.....I SEE IT!! Sorry that you didn't get to see them this last weekend.