Thursday, August 21, 2008

Injections in the hip...not the most fun I have ever had, but definately not fun. Spent the second half of tuesday numb from the top of the right hip down to about mid-thigh. Yesterday just the top of the hip down to about mid-cheek. Today, not really numb at all, halleluia! This afternoon I start physical therapy, not thrilled about excersize, but I know it will be good for me...and my sciatic nerve.
Can't believe the beautiful weather we are having, driving home in the light rain yesterday my car showed it was 70 degrees outside, if you had told me that in the middle of August we would be having such mild tempuratures and precipitation I would have laughed at you. Not complaining though, lovin it! Chase is loving it too, normally soccer practice would be cut short due to the heat, but it is so not the case. Monday they actually practiced for a little more than the usual hour. So glad that he is involved and really enjoying something that he does OUTSIDE!!! Well I suppose that is about it for now. Will try and update again before the week is over, provided that the upcoming excersize doesn't do me in, LOL!

1 comment:

neece300 said...

Glad you're feeling better. Hope you continue to progress positively quickly.

P.S. LOVE the b-day gift, will send a photo soon!