Friday, August 8, 2008

OH how time flies!
School starts in less that a week and I have yet to take Chase shopping for school supplies. (what a bad mommy I am) I can't believe the summer is already nearing an end, and yet it seems we haven't even really done anything! Well, I take that back-Chase has been doing things, swimming, family reunions, and lots of Wii playing. I, on the other hand seem to just barely maintain what needs to be done. I did have a big decision to make this weekend, my beloved Santa Fe (Hi Ho Silver) was starting to accumulate quite a few miles on her (don't know how?) so I traded the 'ol girl in on an '08 Hyundai Sonata aka: not so High Silver. Still adjusting to not having the presence on the road of driving a sport utility, but loving the improved fuel mileage. And poor Chase now has to deal with me channelling Rich being OCD about keeping the car clean. "No, take your soccer cleats off outside of the car, don't put your foot on the sill plate-your going to scratch it" ect ect ect. Poor kid!
So I am looking forward to getting some projects done this weekend, and my friend Stacy is having a baby shower on sunday. I was going to make her a gift but she still hasn't decided on the baby's name yet. I told her that I would just have to give her a rain check for the gift.
It is looking like it will be a busy month, hopefully I can keep up with everything going on! Well, hope you all have a great weekend-see you next week!!

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