Friday, June 27, 2008

June 27, 2008

Happy Friday people!
(unfortunately, I have to work tomorrow )
Well I got the call back from my Dr yesterday afternoon. I have an annular tear in my lower back between the L4 & L5 nerves. I don't completely understand all the medical jargon yet, but Dr. Shuck is wanting me to see a back surgeon to get his opinion on whether I need physical therapy, chiropractic care, or worst case surgery. I am currently waiting to get an appointment with the surgeon to determine what we will do next.
This is what I found on Google about annular tears:

"When healthy, the discs separating the vertebrae in your spine have soft, gel-like centers surrounded by layers of fibrous tissues. This outer layer is called an annulus.
Due to injury or just aging, small tears can form in the annulus. When the gel-like center of the disc pushes through an annular tear, this is called a disc herniation."

It also lists treatment options of: chiropractic medicine, physical rehabilitation, Dr's treatment and MCU therapy.

So, at this point we know why my back hurts, we just don't know what we are going to do to fix it yet. As always your thoughts and prayers are always appreciated, I am just doing my best not to over react and freak out at this point. (obviously that helps nothing, LOL)

I would also like to request your prayers for my Aunt Martha who lives in OKC. She recently found out she has cancer and will be undergoing a historectomy early next month. My mom will be travelling down to stay with her through the surgery.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, maybe it will stay a little drier?!?!
See y'all next week!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

So little to much time...
Whew, what a week. Always tough catching up even if you are only gone a few days.
We had such a wonderful visit with family in KC this weekend, the only tough part was my lower back was a little sore before Chase and I left the house on friday, I took some advil and hopped in the car. By the time we got to KC and I tried to get out of the car...well let's just say it wasn't pretty. So I made a few phone calls and had my flexoril called into the pharmacy up there thinking that after an hour or so of the first dose I would be feeling much better.
Not so much, I might as well have been taking sugar pills as effective as they were. So monday I called the Dr's office to ask what I should do, they set me an open MRI for wednesday morning. Unfortunately, an MRI isn't really a solution to back pain, LOL! Supposedly, the radiologist will read the MRI, then get with my DR, my DR will then get with the nurse, who in turn, when she gets a chance, will call me. (maybe)
The good news is, each day I am feeling better, less and less pain anyway. It's one of those things where, sometimes when you stand up you are ok, other times not.
The other downer we got this week, when we came home and Chase tried to play Wii, the console would not power up. Went through all the trouble shooting, still no Wii. Had to call the customer service people for Nintendo, suprisingly very nice and very helpful.
They sent me a link to print a pre-paid FedEx shipping label, all I had to do was box the thing up and drop it off at Fed Ex. Hell of a deal if you ask me. In the meantime, poor Chase is bored off his little patootie. Imagine how tough it must be with no video games to play!
Hopefully the turnaround will be pretty quick and by the time he comes back to our house we will have it back.
Well thats all for now folks!

PS: Snozzberry-whats a SNOZZBERRY?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Well, we made it to KC ok, and have met and cuddled with Aidan! What a content baby!!!
And let me just tell you, when Chase grows up, he will be the best daddy. Chase and Aidan were both very quiet and content on the couch together. Of course he has helped raise a few babies between his little brother and sister, and the babies at daycare through the years. Well I just wanted to check in real quick and post these, hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I would like to introduce you to...Aidan Dean Pennington!!

My baby nephew arrived tuesday morning at 11:17 a.m. He weighed 7 lbs 10.5 oz and is 21" long. His head measures 13 3/4 and is covered in red hair-go figure! From what I hear he is eating well and is healthy-as is momma. My dad e-mailed that he has long fingers for playing piano, and a size 7 shoe already. (always the kidder my dad!) Amy and Aaron are beside themselves with pride and joy, and I just can't wait to cuddle with the little guy.

Well, I gotta get back to work, just wanted to update with the happy news!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Dad's Day!!

Just want to wish my sweet Daddy a Happy Fathers Day!!

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see my dad on fathers day but I did talk to him on the phone. Chase and I will be going up this going weekend to see everyone, including my new baby neice or nephew!!! Very Very exciting!

We had a pretty low key weekend, dog sat Dodger for Pat and Cherri. Rich is so in love with that dog, I tell you. It is almost comical, seriously. I did get to see my friend Stacy and her son Cayden, she is in town for Cayden's first birthday and will be here for a while working over the summer. Can't believe that boy is one already, time sure flies.

So I am just beside myself with anticipation for the "nugget" to arrive, Amy has an appointment to be induced tomorrow morning. I sooooo wish I could be there but it just won't work in the beginning of the week, so I will just have to settle to see the little bugger this weekend. Well, I guess it is "time to make the doughnuts" so to speak, so I better get to work. Have a great monday everyone, talk to you soon!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008

So very much has been going on, good, bad, ugly, all of the above. Lots of changes here at work, hopefully for the better. (only time will tell you know) Had a pretty low key weekend, fighting a headache friday and saturday. Finally headache free when I woke up sunday, thank goodness! My friend Angie and I saw "Sex and the City" sunday at the Warren, in the balcony so we were able to have a Cosmopolitan while we enjoyed the show. And what a show it was! Loved it, laughed, cried, laughed, and cried again.

I have exciting news....I am mama to two baby tomatoes!!! (not what you were thinking, LOL)

Not too shabby for someone with a black thumb I say!!! I have a jalapeno plant going to but no fruit yet on it. I am looking for cilantro to plant also but have not found any that is not from seed. If you are thinking sounds like salsa you are correct. My summer mainstay, and its only really REALLY good with homegrown tomatoes. I am beginning to wonder if one plant will be enough...I didn't want to go overboard, especially since I am probably the only person in the house that will be eating them, I guess we will see. No big plans for the week, just work as usual.

Well, back to work, have a great week, enjoy the sunshine!!