Tuesday, June 3, 2008

June 3, 2008

So very much has been going on, good, bad, ugly, all of the above. Lots of changes here at work, hopefully for the better. (only time will tell you know) Had a pretty low key weekend, fighting a headache friday and saturday. Finally headache free when I woke up sunday, thank goodness! My friend Angie and I saw "Sex and the City" sunday at the Warren, in the balcony so we were able to have a Cosmopolitan while we enjoyed the show. And what a show it was! Loved it, laughed, cried, laughed, and cried again.

I have exciting news....I am mama to two baby tomatoes!!! (not what you were thinking, LOL)

Not too shabby for someone with a black thumb I say!!! I have a jalapeno plant going to but no fruit yet on it. I am looking for cilantro to plant also but have not found any that is not from seed. If you are thinking sounds like salsa you are correct. My summer mainstay, and its only really REALLY good with homegrown tomatoes. I am beginning to wonder if one plant will be enough...I didn't want to go overboard, especially since I am probably the only person in the house that will be eating them, I guess we will see. No big plans for the week, just work as usual.

Well, back to work, have a great week, enjoy the sunshine!!

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