Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I am going to have to agree with Amy, this has got to be a better week. I do have ton's and ton's on my to-do list but I will make it through. I have too, LOL! This weekend was terribly busy, but oddly enough seemed to last FOREVER-whats up with that? Friday night we had Cherri's birthday party, she was very suprised. All in all the night went pretty smoothly but we didn't get home until about 1:00 a.m. Needless to say when my alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. I was less than thrilled. Six hours at parts inventory and I was really bushed. But, I made $80 towards christmas so I guess its all good. I immediatly went home and went back to bed, when Rich woke me up at 5 saturday evening I thought it was morning!!! So we took Rich's dad to dinner at Felipe's for his birthday, then home and back to bed for meeeeeeee. Sunday was pretty lazy, cooked breakfast and layed around for a while, then got off my butt and did a little christmas shopping. Even stopped at the 'Attic to buy the paper for my christmas cards. I am still a little up in the air on the exact design, but I have a few ideas. Hopefully they will turn out like they do in my head. (how often does THAT really happen, right?) Well I guess thats about it up to now, I better be getting to lunch before I get stuck.

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